My parents abandoned me and my younger siblings when I was 15 — Years later they knocked on my door smiling

MY PARENTS ABANDONED ME AND MY YOUNGER SIBLINGS WHEN I WAS 15 — YEARS LATER THEY KNOCKED ON MY DOOR SMILING I was 15 when my parents suddenly and hurriedly were packing their things right in front of me. “WE’LL CALL CHILD SERVICES, THEY’LL TAKE YOU AWAY,” my dad said while packing his suitcase. I didn’t fully grasp what was happening until I had MY LITTLE BROTHERS (5 and 6) TO TAKE CARE OF. That day, my life turned upside down. Years of living in foster homes, being separated from my brothers, poverty, the streets… I went through all of that just to reunite with my parents 12 years later. Knock, knock, knock! I opened the door and saw MY PARENTS standing there with two suitcases. I couldn’t believe it. My mom SMILED and said, “Hello, darling!” Full story in the comments…

Tori’s father threatened to call child services and have her taken away while packing their things. At 15, she didn’t grasp the meaning of his words, but soon she and her siblings found out the harsh reality.

Shortly after, Tori and her brothers and sisters were split up and placed in various foster homes. This marked the beginning of their challenging journey.

Lucas, who was only six years old, continuously questioned why those individuals were taking him away. Meanwhile, Ben, who was five, tearfully exclaimed, “I don’t want to leave, Tori. I want to remain with you.”


Now that their parents left them, Tori desired to support her brothers, but she lacked the ability. She couldn’t do anything to maintain what was left of their family united.

The woman from Child Protective Services comforted the three scared siblings, saying, “I’m here to support you. I understand this is tough, but we have to bring you to a safe place.”

Tori pleaded, “Please don’t separate us. We promise to behave if you let us stay.”

After being forced out of the house, Tori, Lucas, and Ben were separated into three cars that went in different directions. Tori observed her brothers from the car window as their tear-stained faces gradually vanished from sight.


Tori’s journey to her foster home was filled with tears and bewilderment. She couldn’t stop thinking about her father’s cruel words, wondering how things had reached that point and how they could abandon their children so easily.

When Tori first met her foster family, the Thompsons, she immediately sensed that they didn’t want her around. They rarely talked to her, except when assigning chores.

Tori was sad and lonely, and she couldn’t stop thinking of her little brothers.


Tori couldn’t handle the harsh reality of her life in the foster home, so she made the tough decision to escape from the unwelcoming environment. Unfortunately, her plan didn’t succeed as the police apprehended her quickly and brought her back to the Thompsons, who were extremely angry with her.

Each time she escaped, the identical outcome occurred. She would be forcefully brought back, scolded, and disregarded even further. However, Tori was resolute in her decision to depart from that location. Hence, one evening, she gathered a few of her possessions and quietly exited through the window.

Tori found herself homeless, but she believed it was preferable to staying with her foster family. She discovered an abandoned trailer to sleep in, despite its lack of a door and a leaky roof. Nevertheless, she saw it as the beginning of a new life, one that she hoped would improve with each passing day.


She managed to get by doing various jobs like washing cars, delivering groceries, and assisting at the nearby restaurant. It was tough to pay the bills, but the most difficult part was being away from her siblings.

It was hard to keep track of them because once she found out their location, they were moved to another foster home.

She went to see Ben one day, but a stranger answered the door. She asked to see Ben, but the woman said he had moved out the week before to another state.

Tori asked where her little brother went, but the woman didn’t know and closed the door.


Tori’s heart sank. She promised her brothers they would reunite one day, and she felt like she failed them because she couldn’t keep the promise.

Tori found a job as a cleaner at a small shop on the edge of town. She cleaned floors, washed dishes, and tidied shelves every day.

Mr. Jenkins, the owner, asked Tori, a hard worker, if she had ever considered going back to school. Tori expressed her desire to attend college, but she struggled to earn enough money for basic necessities like food. He encouraged her, saying, “If you keep saving, you’ll achieve your goal. I have faith in you.”

His words motivated her. Tori managed to go to college despite the challenge of juggling work and studies. Mornings were spent at the shop, while evenings were dedicated to studying and completing assignments. It was tough, but she was determined to reunite with her brothers.


Years went by, and Tori completed her college education. She specialized in business and secured a position as a store assistant at a prominent clothing store. Over time, her commitment caught the attention of her manager, Ms. Carter.

She praised Tori for her hard work and promoted her to a supervisor while they were restocking shelves.

Tori responded with enthusiasm, saying, “Ms. Carter, thank you! I assure you, I will give it my all.”

After a while, she got a promotion to store manager and was able to upgrade to a nice apartment. However, just when she thought everything was going well, she faced another unexpected surprise.


Tori was getting comfortable in her new house when she heard a knock at the door. She opened it to find her parents, Charles and Linda, holding suitcases. “Hi, sweetie!” greeted her mother happily, acting like everything was normal.

Tori stood frozen. She was in disbelief. Her father then asked her if they could come in. Still in shock, she let them in.

Her mom asked if they could stay for a bit until they could stand on their own again. Tori was surprised when her mom asked to move in with her. They both agreed to live together.

Tori struggled to maintain a steady voice as she inquired, “How did you locate me?”

They said, “Why does it matter, sweetie? We’re family, and family is meant to support one another, isn’t it?”


Tori was unable to control her anger. “Is that so?” she exclaimed. “You haven’t inquired about my brothers at all since you got here. You just come here, assuming I’ll assist you after you left us? Where were your beliefs about family supporting each other when we were facing difficulties on the streets?”

Tori didn’t wait for their response. She quickly opened the door and told them to leave, never to contact her again.

After so many years, she expected to feel pain when she saw them again, but instead, she felt relieved. She finally found closure and could move forward without her past weighing her down. Now, all she wanted was to find her brothers and be happy once more.

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