Language Surprise: How My Fiancé’s Parents’ Unexpected Disclosure Uncovered a Shocking Family Secret



I met my fiancé during Antoine’s exchange year in the US, and we quickly fell in love after connecting in the same university class. I was thrilled when he proposed, and I eagerly accepted. We decided it was time for me to meet his French parents. Although I was nervous about making a good impression, I was also excited.

“Don’t worry,” Antoine reassured me, squeezing my hand. “They’re going to love you.”

“I hope so,” I said, feeling queasy in my stomach.

I was astounded when we got to their stunning country home. Surrounded by lush vegetation and beautiful flowers, the mansion exuded charm. Pierre and Marie, Antoine’s parents, gave us a cordial welcome.

“Bienvenue!” Marie hugged me and said. Her smile was warm and her eyes brilliant. She was small.

“Welcome to our home,” Pierre continued, giving me a hard handshake. He had a nice face and was tall.

They gave off the impression of being friendly and inviting. I was relieved.

Their house was quite beautiful. It appeared like a postcard with the garden and the old stone walls. It was warm and inviting inside with lots of character. A little more comfort came over me.

I remarked, taking in the interior design, “Your home is beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Marie answered. “We’re happy you like it.”

There was spirited chatter around the dinner table. The cuisine was amazing, consisting of delectable French delicacies that I couldn’t stop eating. French and English were spoken by both Antoine’s parents.

“So, tell us about yourself,” Pierre enquired.

Taking a deep breath, I opened up about a little bit of my life. “I am a graphic designer by trade. I enjoy making art and assisting customers in realizing their ideas. I like to take pictures and go hiking in my spare time. One of my loves is capturing the beauty of the natural world.”

They grinned and nodded as they listened carefully. Marie appeared really intrigued. “That sounds really good. Which trails are your favorites to hike?”

“Yes,” I said, settling into the dialogue. “My hometown is close to a lovely route with breathtaking views. I also enjoy going to national parks whenever I get the chance.”

Pierre grinned. “It’s always nice to meet someone with such a passion for nature.”

Their sincere curiosity helped me to relax. Despite my initial trepidation, the talk flowed quickly, and I began to relax and feel like I belonged.

“I’ll be right back,” Antoine murmured, pulling himself away to use the restroom.

I tried to keep the good vibes going by grinning at Pierre and Marie. They grinned in return and assumed I didn’t understand them when they began speaking in French.

“Elle est gentille, mais je ne suis pas sûr qu’elle soit la bonne pour Antoine,” Pierre said.

My complexion become pallid. They were debating if I was Antoine’s suitable match.

“Nous devons nous assurer qu’elle ne découvre pas notre secret,” responded Marie.

My heart pounded. What’s the secret?

I was hearing things that I couldn’t believe. Every statement made sense to me. They were discussing something that was concealed in Antoine’s boyhood bedroom.

“The object is still under the lamp,” Pierre remarked. “Nous devons le récupérer avant qu’Antoine ne le trouve.”

My hands began to tremble. They didn’t want Antoine to discover what they had hidden beneath his bed.

I took Antoine’s hand when he came back. “Go upstairs and look in your childhood room under your bed. Believe me.”

Though bewildered, he nodded. He excused himself from the meal and said, “Pardon me.”

I was chilled and lightheaded. My thoughts were racing. What did they have hidden? What made them not want Antoine to discover it? As soon as I got up, the room began to spin. Although their voices sounded far away, I could hear Pierre and Marie calling my name.

“Are you okay?” Reaching out to steady me, Marie asked.

“Thank God you’re awake,” he muttered.

I winced as a severe pain in my head prevented me from sitting up. “What happened?” With a dry and hoarse throat, I inquired.

Antoine squeezed my hand tenderly and whispered, “You fainted during dinner.” “The physicians diagnosed it as a result of low blood sugar and stress. More significantly though, I went upstairs and looked beneath the bed after hearing what you told me. I located it.

I remembered the talk I heard, and my heart raced. I said, “What did you find?”

The revelation weighed heavily on everyone. “What are you going to do?” My question was hardly audible above a whisper.

Antoine let out a sigh. “At this point, I’m unsure. I have to face them, but I want to take my time. Who knows what more they’re capable of, given that they’ve been keeping this from me my entire life?

I softly caressed his face with my outstretched hand. “Whatever happens, we’ll face it together.”

With a resolute expression, he nodded. “Yes, together.”

The following few days were spent discussing and making plans in the hospital. We spoke about our possibilities after Antoine revealed additional information from the notebook. We made the decision to watch his parents’ behavior and to keep the information to ourselves for the time being.