Meghan Markle sad over her babies ‘no longer’ being babies – her miscarriage was heartbreaking

Heartbreaking Meghan Markle baby news leaves us all in tears. Got to feel for her… Check Comments.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have two lovely children who were recently granted the privilege of being called prince and princess.

Archie, their first child, was born at The Portland Hospital in London on May 6, 2019, while they were still working royals. However, even before his birth, Archie became part of a controversy when his parents gave an interview to Oprah. During the interview, they disclosed that a senior royal had questioned his color.

Harry didn’t want to talk about Archie’s birth at first, but he eventually had to explain that Archie was born because of a breach in the agreement between the royals and the public.

Harry and Meghan posed with him in front of the Portland Hospital in London, where he was born, as is the tradition.

Today, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are happy to show their first public moment as a family, the Sussexes announced.

Despite the fact that Prince Harry, Prince William, and several other royal family members, including William’s children, were all born at St Mary’s Hospital, the Sussexes made the decision to have Archie elsewhere.

Before the palace press office had confirmed the duchess was in labor, he and Meghan were overjoyed to have their son safely born at London’s private Portland hospital.

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In her book titled “The New Royals: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown,” Katie Nicholl portrayed Harry as having an intense fixation on maintaining utmost secrecy surrounding Archie’s birth.

Rebecca English, royal editor of the Daily Mail, mentioned that behind the scenes, things were so tense that some officials, including herself, ended up crying out of frustration and despair.

Now that the family lives in the United States, they don’t have to worry as much about cameras or paparazzi photographers. They also don’t have to feel obligated to share photos of their children on their birthdays, unlike the royal family’s tradition.

They also shared photos of the little one meeting his great-grandma, Queen Elizabeth, for the first time.

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After some time, as Archie got older, Harry and Meghan went on a journey to South Africa. During their visit, they had the pleasure of meeting Archbishop Desmond Tutu. On Instagram, they expressed their gratitude to Archbishop Tutu for his kind and welcoming hospitality. They also shared a collection of pictures of their son, Archie, who thoroughly enjoyed meeting him.

Except for that, they have tried keeping both their children out of the spotlight as much as possible.

But everything shifted once the six-episode Netflix documentary on Harry and Meghan was released.

Meghan shared in the documentary series her worries about the day her son was born.

She expressed her concerns about the picture on the steps, as well as her worries about her age and the possibility of needing a c-section during labor. Additionally, she mentioned her long-standing relationship with her doctor, whom she trusted with her pregnancy.

On Sunday, June 6, 2021, the Sussexes celebrated the arrival of their new baby girl, Lilibet Diana. They wanted to honor Lili’s great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, who was known as Lilibet as a child, and her grandmother, Princess Diana.

However, at that time, experts stated that the Queen was not pleased with the name chosen. Additionally, they argued that selecting that particular name was considered “disrespectful.”

Naming their child caused a diplomatic issue. Meghan and Harry chose to name her Lilibet, hoping to surprise Queen Elizabeth. Tom Quinn, a royal expert, mentioned this in his book Gilded Youth An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family.

It’s unbelievable that Harry couldn’t foresee the trouble this would cause. He should have realized that taking the monarch’s cherished childhood nickname would be seen as disrespectful and invasive, unlike naming their daughter Elizabeth.


The Queen might have been upset that her grandson and his family took the nickname that was always a private part of her life, but it’s probably the flunkeys and some of the older royals who were more irritated by what they saw as presumptuous.

Before Lili was born, Meghan fell pregnant in 2020, but she suffered miscarriage.

Meghan shared about the sadness she and Prince Harry felt when they lost their baby.

The essay she posted on The New York Times about grief after miscarriage, titled “The Losses We Share,” deeply resonated with numerous people.

The Duchess, who is 39 years old, explained that losing a child brings a grief that is almost too heavy to bear. Many people go through this pain, but it is not often discussed.

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I experienced a sudden cramp. I fell to the ground holding him, singing a soothing song to ease our nerves, the happy melody contrasting with my feeling that something was amiss.

Holding my newborn baby, I realized I was also losing my second child.

After several hours, I found myself lying in a hospital bed, tightly gripping my husband’s hand. I could feel the dampness of his palm and gently kissed his knuckles, which were moist from our shared tears. As I stared at the chilling white walls, my gaze became unfocused. I attempted to envision the process of our recovery.

Meghan still experiences the same pain every time the anniversary of her miscarriage draws near, even to this day.

A close source shared with OK! that she feels grateful for Archie, Lili, and the family she and Harry built. However, as the anniversary of her miscarriage nears, she does feel sadness. The date holds a lot of significance for her.

Meghan always focuses on the future and feels incredibly thankful for the joy she shares with Harry and their children.

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She desires her kids to comprehend that mothers also work. Simultaneously, her priority will always be her family life. She will adjust her work schedule to accommodate her children’s needs and be there for them whenever they require her. She simply wants to make the most of and treasure every moment with them as they grow up.

Meghan and Harry decided to bring their children with them when traveling abroad in the future because Meghan doesn’t want to be away from them for too long.

A source told OK! that Meghan dislikes being apart from her children because she doesn’t want to miss any moments as they grow up quickly.

Meghan and Harry are deeply contemplating their future as Lili celebrates her third birthday. The rapid growth of their children has made Meghan particularly nostalgic and a little melancholic, as she realizes that her babies are no longer babies. The end of the baby years fills her with a sense of sadness and longing, just like any other mother would feel.

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